The real-time AI Solution

Accreditation Automation

Why Accreditation?

Accreditation and ranking serve as indispensable cornerstones for education institutions, symbolizing their commitment to quality, excellence, and performance. They serve as a validation mechanism, meticulously assessing and endorsing the educational programs, faculty expertise, infrastructure, and overall institutional effectiveness.

Accreditation Challenges.

The involved processes are arduous and intricate, characterized by shifting goalposts with challenges in Data Collation and alignment with Accreditation Requirements.

Data Mandate

Data Mandate

Educational institutions are responsible for providing the essential data required for accreditation purposes.

Effort Investment

The data submission process demands a significant investment of staff time and effort, typically spanning a period of 6-9 months.

Regulatory Revision

The guidelines governing data submission undergo regular updates and revisions, with changes occurring every 6-12 months.

ERP Incongruence

The lack of alignment between the current ERP/Automation systems and the specific requirements set forth by accreditation bodies.

Real-time Accreditation and Ranking Readiness

Bringing our Product to your table

DHI is a cutting-edge digital solution designed to seamlessly integrate and streamline various aspects of educational institutions’ operations.

With its robust features and capabilities, DHI meets the Comprehensive Automation and Real-time Accreditation and Ranking needs of educational institutions. By leveraging digital technology, DHI enables institutions to enhance their efficiency, effectiveness, and overall performance.

From automated processes to real-time data analysis and reporting, DHI empowers educational institutions to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving education landscape.


Accreditation Automation

  • Data Collection & Consolidation

  • Anytime Readiness Check

  • Role-specific insights with configurable Rubrics

  • Custom Report Generation

  • Gap Identification & Analysis

  • Improvement Prescriptions & Consulting

  • Integrated solution with multi-level feedback/survey options

  • Analytics

Third-party Integrations

A seamless collaboration of DHI with third-party platforms enables efficient data exchange and enhanced functionality.

DHI intelligently interfaces with other essential solutions facilitating a harmonised and cohesive workflow. It effortlessly integrates with leading video conferencing solutions like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet and Big Blue Button, empowering institutions to manage virtual communication and collaboration.

To ensure timely and effective communication, DHI extends its reach through integration with various notification systems, including SMS, push notifications, and emails. These integrations converge to create a powerful ecosystem that not only simplifies accreditation processes but also enhances overall operational efficiency, communication, and collaboration.

The Story of Trust

Over the past three years, we have utilised Heraizen as an integral tool within our operations. It is worth highlighting that Heraizen exhibits a user-friendly interface, facilitating seamless data extraction through a few simple clicks. Our organisation has successfully centralised student and faculty information within a single portal, thanks to this platform. Undoubtedly, Heraizen has played a pivotal role in aiding our NAAC-related endeavors, providing substantial assistance in meeting our accreditation requirements.

– Dean, Engineering Institute

An Inspiring Accreditation Story

From Tedious to Automated: How an accreditation task was Streamlined!

Through ‘DHI’, our customer institute transcended the tedious phase of gathering data from multiple batches for estimating the CO and PO attainment. The average number of man-days spent on CO and PO attainment procedures dwindled down to a mere fraction of what it used to be, thanks to the power of automation! We have given back 34,272 hours to the institute.

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